FROM IMBA: The National Park Service is now accepting comments regarding a special regulation to add mountain bikes to the Sope Creek Trail at the Chattahoochee National Recreation Area (Georgia).
Take Action! Click here to submit the suggested comments below:
- The new sustainable Sope Creek Trail offers expanded access to bicycles, and brings a unique combination of recreational opportunities to an area that is starved for more diverse forms of recreation and ways to connect people with natural resources in an urban area.
- Mountain biking is a popular activity with children and bringing mountain bike access to the Sope Creek Trail will attract a younger demographic to the park. This will help to foster a love for the great outdoors and our National Parks.
- The Atlanta Southern Off Road Bicycling Association (Atlanta-SORBA) has a long standing volunteer commitment to trail maintence and education at the Chattahoochee National Recreation Area.
- IMBA-SORBA began working with the NPS at the Chattahoochee National Recreation Area in the 1990s. Through this partnership SORBA Atlanta, the local chapter, has contributed thousands of volunteer hours in trail maintence work, National Mountain Bike Patrols, and children’s programs.
The Sope Creek Trail is a vital asset to the local trails community. Your comments in support of the special regulation are critical in securing mountain bikes access to the this trail.
Read the full regulation here.