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Augusta Will Host 2010 World Summit
Augusta, Georgia, will host the 2010 IMBA World Summit (May 5-8). The event, expected to be the largest yet in IMBA’s history of hosting international summits. Topics will include new programs for IMBA clubs, developing destination and urban trail networks, land conservation and sustainable trailbuilding and youth outreach. In addition to informative seminars and networking, the gathering will feature great parties and plenty of riding — including a catered tour of the Forks Area Trail System (FATS) an IMBA Epic.

IMBA-SORBA and NPS Open Sope Creek Mountain Bike Trail, Land $50,000 Grant
More than 200 people showed up at the Chattahoochee River National Recreation for the grand opening of the Sope Creek Mountain Bike Trail. “We have created a model partnership with the National Parks Service that will lead to an incredible trail system within the city limits of Atlanta, one that all user groups will benefit from,” says Tom Sauret, IMBA-SORBA’s Southeastern Regional Director. SORBA Atlanta helped secure a $30,000 grant from the National Park Foundation to help continue the development of shared-use trails. The Foundation recently informed IMBA-SORBA that they not only have granted the request, but they are increasing the amount by $20,000 and challenging us to go even higher!

New IMBA Web Pages Offer Guidance for Map Projects
IMBA’s online resources offer nearly 2,000 web pages. Our latest section offers best practices and guidance for online and print map projects. Maps are a great way to spread the word about your clubs’ proudest on-the-ground achievements — equipped with mapmaking software and data collected by Global Positioning System GPS devices, it is possible to create beautiful maps that are comparable in quality to the work of professional cartographers.

Das Goldschprintz Macht Spass
Members of IMBA-SORBA attended the das Goldschprintz in June. Just what is a Goldschprintz? It’s an indoor sprint competition using stationery bikes, in this case singlespeed fixies, on modified rollers. A computer tracks your time and your speed.The evening was sponsored by Ergon, hosted by Eddie and Namrita O-Dea of 55nineperformance, and held at the Sweetwater Brewery in Atlanta. (Bikerumor was there…check out the video!)

SORBA Woodstock Unveils New Traffic Counting System at Blankets Creek
SORBA Woodstock purchased bike traffic counters and installed on Dwelling Loop, South Loop, and the Van Micheal Trail to get a more accurate count of how many bicycles are using each trail and at what time of day. Check out their numbers for June.

TORC and SORBA Atlanta Celebrate National Trails Day
TORC spent the 2009 National Trails Day at Briar Chapel with their newest partner, Newland Communities, for a day of trailbuilding, riding and BBQ. This year’s NTD event was a blend: 50 percent workday, 50 percent education and 50 percent pool party. You read that right — TORC always gives 150 percent!

Athens SORBA, Equestrians Reach Agreement for Trails at Oconee’s Heritage Park
Bikers and equestrians who use Heritage park recently reached a compromise for trail use with the parks department and a citizen recreation committee. IMBA-SORBA members agreed to abandon or reroute parts of their trails to make room for the horse paths, and horse owners agreed to stay off the bike trails except for two wide, shared sections.

Help Save Stringer’s Ridge in Chattanooga
The Trust for Public Lands (TPL) is working to preserve Stinger’s Ridge so that it will become a city park. TPL has been meeting with SORBA-Chattanooga’s and Boonies trail advocacy leaders about creating a small network of biking and hiking trails on Stringer’s Ridge. The first step is to purchase the land, and you can help.

Still Trying to Clear That Rock Garden?
It’s halfway through summer already — are you ever going to clear that gosh-darn rock garden, or bunny hop the log that consistently snags your chainring? Pick up a copy of Mastering Mountain Bike Skills and get detailed technical instruction on cross-country, downhill, freeride and dirt jumping technique. And, you will find plenty of other great stuff at IMBA’s online store.

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