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Kickstarter Project: Plume Fender Stows Away When Sunny, Rolls Out With the Weather

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Kickstarter is bringing another project to life, the Plume Mudguard. It’s a recoiling fender that works like a snap bracelet. Constructed of a stainless steel spine coated in plastic, we expect that it’ll hold up fairly well when subjected to street grime over time. The base of the mudguard is stainless steel and wraps around the seat post for added security.

Pricing is $35 and the project’s still fresh so there’s plenty of time for funding. Click through the break for an image of the extended mudguard, and a teaser video…


The mudguard should fit most seat posts that hover in the 27.2 range. Seatposts on the large end of the spectrum won’t work with this version.

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11 years ago

I like it, pretty smart, not obscene when not in use, appears to be effective for clean rear ends.

Nice job.

Nick Burklow
Nick Burklow
11 years ago

I just backed the project for one. This is not only a great looking product, it reminds me of the old slap bracelets and I couldn’t help myself.

11 years ago

Would it roll up or bend up from dropping off a curb?

11 years ago

It is going to try to coil up when mud gets stuck to it, and it won’t be able to fully coil up with that same mud stuck to it, so it’s going to drag on the tire, in a loosely curled shape. It might even get sucked into the seatstay arch by the tire, and then what are you gonna do, son? I guess if you’re riding fixed, then you can just pedal backwards and the problem goes away for a minute. I, personally, would remember this accessory’s “slap” heritage, and remove it from my bike, slap some unsuspecting rube with it, so as to dislodge the mud. Then I would ride away, shredding mad roost on them, while yelling, “you should have funded my kickstarter, punk! Now see how you get, you fender-stay installing turkey!”
I’m not all negative, though. Since they now make telescoping seatposts, I will start a kickstarter to fund my push button hydraulic actuated telescoping fender. I will even offer a five foot long version, with a battering ram, to get people off your wheel. No scrubs please, minimum IPO donation is fifty thousand eruos.

11 years ago

@JimmyZ – Mud? Seriously? If you need serious protection against so much mud that it would cause this fender to curl up, you would be using the wrong fender. This is clearly designed to complete with something like the Ass Saver brand fenders. You know, something you run on a city bike in light rain, on the street. Maybe not the best option if you are commuting via a fully suspension MTB on muddy single track. For commuting on the street, in normal rain, on decent roads this thing is ideal. I love the idea of having this on a bike for spring and summer here in Portland, where we get little rain in those months, and I don’t need full fenders, but I do need some wet weather protection for the rain showers we do get.

11 years ago

Seriously, enough with these half-bright kickstarter ideas. Please give us either actual news about cycling products or pictures of Campy seatposts. You don’t need filler, because the actual articles are good!

11 years ago

My good lord, so long winded. I think the fender is intended for the urban set; not a whole lot of mud there. Seems like a good idea.

11 years ago

Brilliant idea!! @JimmyZ think before you speak. You are not capable of simple clever ideas like this (deleted).

and @Andrew. Not a single person alive cares about a campy seatpost. We need more brilliantly simple ideas like this.

Keep the quirky “smart” products coming.

reverend dick
11 years ago

That is a proven idea from the past, that works. It has been done before. I welcome a return to sensibility!

11 years ago

uh oh, it’s raining too hard, I can’t go outside with my slap fender. better hide inside with my browser on kickstarter.

11 years ago

have we dispensed with all the (deleted) comments, @JimmyZ? Okay, then… This product seems pretty good–but a comment to Plume, if you are reading: Is there a way to make the clamp a split-style design? Maybe like with an allen bolt pulling it all together, and shims? Perhaps something that could be used on everything from 31.6 down to 27.2? This could increase the customer base to much more riders… As it sits now, the product is like: “this is a really cool product, IF you have a compatible sized seatpost”. Maybe some more engineering can turn it into “This is a great product that will fit on almost any non-fendered road, city, or mtn bike.” Maybe its not possible, because the mount needs to be super strong to support the snapblade… just a thought.

11 years ago

That width that far from the wheel = no coverage. If you’re going to get half splashed you may as well get full splashed.

11 years ago

27.2? why not make the hole larger, and supply a bunch of shim to fit all and everything.

11 years ago

I agree, it is too high to be totally effective, u end up with a white clean strip on your back, like a skunk.

11 years ago

What brilliant simple design and idea, one of those “why didnt I think of that”. I have been running a few of these which are great as well. Perfect for road bike where you want a clean slick look. But this Plume is better for a commuter bike.

11 years ago

very cool, but it’s a pity that it won’t work, being so high. It should be clamped just over the rear brake, using the bolt for the rear brake, between the brake and the frame…

Being so high the water spreads and it will get to your ass. It should be ither wider or lower.

11 years ago

Am I missing something? What’s the point of this thing. It’s a mudguard when it’s wet and when it’s dry it folds away? Why?
It weighs just as much rolled up, it looks just as ugly rolled up, why not just fit a full time ‘guard and have done with it? What’s the advantage of rolling up a mudguard?

11 years ago

What is the point? The only rational reason to ride without fenders is to save weight or reduce drag. But a fender doesn’t get lighter when it is rolled up, and it probably gives more aerodynamic drag.

If you want to save weight, buy removable fenders and leave them at home when the sun is shining. If you just want to look cool, get yourself good looking fixed fenders. Or accept a wet butt.

11 years ago

Agree with PB.

The only fenders that actually work are full wrap-around fenders.

You only need to ride in the rain a few times to realize that nothing else is worth buying.

11 years ago

Wouldn’t it make sense to demonstrate this product actually working in the rain/wet in a video that is supposed to highlight how well the product works?

11 years ago

Fenders that don’t have full coverage are just rooster tail deflectors. Just fine in the mud, obscenely rude to anyone in your wake on the streets.

If you like “clean lines”, I don’t understand why aesthetic considerations change in the wet, and ridding in the rain is doing much more to that precious bike of yours…

11 years ago

It would go well with a Monkey Onesey, but thats about all.

11 years ago

Rather than mounting it too high on the seatpost, what not place it closer to the wheel using the rear brake caliper bolt with a reach-around fender bracket?

Surely, this option is not plausible for fixed gear bikes, but (deleted) those guys.

11 years ago

Regardless of your opinion of the product, this video is hipster gold! I can’t watch it enough. I especially like the part where the rider saunters up to his personal street mechanic, hands in pockets, with “Done yet?” body language.

11 years ago

I agree with Walter – the whole point of this is that it rolls up, but what’s the point of it rolling up?

11 years ago

You gotta be kidding me. A slap-bracelet fender?

Remko Vedder
11 years ago

And the front wheel? Clean ass, wet front?

11 years ago

This needs showcassing in rainy roads!!!!!

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