Yeah, you’ve probably already read this somewhere else. But, just in case you used the weekend to ride, play with the kids and/or otherwise enjoy the day like we did, here’s the news:
Lance Armstrong set a new course record at the Leadville Traill 100 with a finish time of 6:28:51, more than 15 minutes faster than the record set by Dave Wiens last year of 6:45:45. Wiens finished second this year with a time of 6:57:02, followed by Matt Shriver (who gave an early pace-setting push to the field), Alex Grant, Len Zanni, Max Taam, Travis Brown and Manuel Prado.
Armstrong mimicked Wien’s finish from ’08 by rolling across the line with a virtually flat rear tire. Rebecca Rusch, two three-time World Solo champion, crossed the line in 8:15:00 to win the women’s field.
Get the full race report on VeloNews.  RELATED: Our interview with Dave Wiens and Rebecca Rusch (two, video here and words here).