Lazer Helmets has just released a special edition of the new 2012 Armor bicycle helmet. We got a first look at the new urban helmet a few months back, and as they launch it you’ll be able to support disaster relief efforts while keeping your brain safe(r).
The helmet is available for order now through your local shop and will ship in August. A portion of the proceeds goes to disaster relief aid. And, if you like me and don’t really read the news all that much, here’s what happened in a nutshell (from their press release):
On March 11, 2011 a 9.0 magnitude earthquake occurred 72 kilometers off the coast of Japan. It was the most powerful known earthquake ever to have hit Japan and one of the top five most powerful earthquakes in the world since record keeping began. The earthquake triggered a tsunami, with waves up to 38 meters high which hit the eastern coast of Japan. Nearly 15,000 citizens of Japan perished in the disaster, over 5000 were injured and nearly 11,000 are still missing. The overall cost of the disaster could exceed $300 billion making it the most expensive natural disaster in history.