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New BMX Frame by Phoenix Pro Cycles – The Talon

Phoenix Pro Cycles BMX Talon Frame
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Phoenix Pro Cycles BMX Talon Frame

Bikerumor doesn’t generally cover BMX, but this frame couldn’t be passed up.  The CAD images look way too intriguing.  Phoenix Pro Cycles just released the Talon frame, constructed from 6061-T6 aluminum.  They claim that this frame is carefully designed for flex in the right places.  Phoenix Pro Cycles was founded from Phoenix Pro Scooters, a company specializing in top of the line aluminum trick-scooters.

The frames will come in seven ‘Class’ sizes and six ‘Cruiser’ sizes.   Among the differences between ‘Class’ and ‘Cruiser’, one difference is that the class frame is designed with relatively straight tubes to take more impact from larger jumps.  Cruiser frames, on the other hand, generally have a more stylish curvature than a Class frame.  The color selection of the Talon consists of anodized black, blue, red, and green or a powder coat white.  The frames, depending on size, will have a weight range of 2.5lb-3.75lb.

More images after the break…

Phoenix Pro Cycles BMX Talon Frame Top


Phoenix Pro Cycles BMX Talon Frame Logo

Here is the only picture of the actual frame that they have displayed on their website, but they should have some more posted soon…

Phoenix Pro Cycles BMX Talon Frame Red

If this doesn’t satisfy your BMX craving, Phoenix has a large selection of CAD images of this frame on their website here.

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13 years ago

Those scooters are lame.

13 years ago

No doubt the cad renderings looked tasty, but the final product falls short. I can’t imagine a bmx fork that will blend nicely with that design either.

13 years ago

Hideous. I am embarrassed for myself and everyone else in the BMX community if we are being grouped in with scooter company designs like this.
It is obvious that the people designing this frame do not know the needs of a BMX frame, and are merely trying to do something different and cheesy.
Mid 90s Specialized anyone?

13 years ago

To the BMXers out there: does anyone really want ‘flex in the right places’? I mean, a BMX race is so fast and over so quickly….who cares about vertical compliance?

Steve M
Steve M
13 years ago

Big difference in modeling up a solid in CAD and executing individual parts and tubes in the real world. Why show both?

13 years ago

These frames were designed by Tom Floyd. Yes, he makes scooters now, but thats only because his kid is into them. As far as scooters go – the Phoenix ones are pretty cool. Tom has a variety of bike industry experience. He was the original marketing director at Fox Shox, owned a Mtn Bike shop in SD, CA, and he even did some time at Haro.

Haters gon’ hate, but I always like to see people trying to build new things.

13 years ago

Very simliar to the Intense frame with a variation on the seat tube. Also, dgaddis is correct, bmx racers want zero flex as it is a pure sprint on dirt that is equivalent to pavement.

13 years ago

No such thing as “Cool” scooters…Im sorry but unless your under the age of 11 you got issues if you
think scooters are cool.

13 years ago

Apparently Tom Floyd’s kid is into flexy BMX frames as well, but who knows, “competitive 4-stroke” used to be an oxymoron in the motorcross world.

Regardless, scootering falls well below even trampolining on my sports that I respect scale.

13 years ago

Trampolining is actually pretty fun to watch….

13 years ago

I like it when people step out of the norm of cookie cutter products. Kudos to that.

BMX racers slam their seat post and raise it high between moto’s for cool down. So…When the seat is slammed, you’re going to see an ugly, scratched up seatpost exposed in the seat tube delete area.

Kinda defeats the intent of the missing seat tube aesthetic.

13 years ago

The CAD render looks so clean and the welds kinda break that up. I’d love to see something like that in a carbon monocoque, I don’t think such a product would be all that marketable though unfortunately.

13 years ago

Hopefully that’s a prototype frame on the bottom as the welds are a bit boogery.

13 years ago

trampolines are fun. they go hand in hand with foam pits! necessities for fun jump training!

13 years ago

Looks like the designer was assuming that carbon would be the end material. It does not translate well into aluminum.

13 years ago

Standard makes a Steel BMX frame in the 3 lb range. Looks way better then this thing too!

13 years ago

So much wrong.

That back end is snapping clean off when you case a 20 foot jump, what’s in place to prevent that? the bottom bracket is hideously unsupported and stiffness out of the gate surely has to suffer as a result? Poorly thought out. As pointed out above, seat post will be exposed at times and the finish is rough. Micro scooters are a plague on grass roots BMX and skateboarding – don’t think you’ll waltz into the bmx if you’re involved here.

Nanci Drew
Nanci Drew
13 years ago

Looks like it’s welded with bubblegum.

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