In an interview with the NY Times, Garmin-Slipstream director Jonathan Vaughters discussed the testing program that his and Columbia/High Road’s team will be using for the 2009 season.  Administered and managed by Dr. Catlin…the same one that’s developing Lance’s much ballyhooed testing program…the program will test each team more than 600 times during the year, at an estimated cost of $20,000 per rider, or $420,000 per team!
These testing programs are initiated by the teams themselves, and the goal is to build baseline readings for each rider’s “normal” biological markers.  If anyone spikes or tests abnormally, they’ll be put through more tests and, likely, a more watchful eye.  If it looks suspicious, Vaughters said, the rider will “be benched.”  These are in addition to the testing conducted by USADA and UCI.
I don’t know about you, but $420,000 would buy a lot of EPO!  Aaaaah, I’m kidding.