Perhaps the most relaxed (unorganized?) benefit ride ever will raise money for the SoCal High School Cycling League, but they don’t know that yet.
You can start at noon, or whenever, for the Fifth Annual Tour de Tryptophan/24 Hours of the Fullerton Loop.  Then, you can do one lap and go home, or try to beat the 17-lap record, or at least that’s what we think the record is.  If you participate, you might get a T-shirt (and a pretty cool looking one at that, click the more link to see the graphic!)
Presented by no one, this fund-raiser commences at noon on Friday and finishes at noon on Saturday. As it is a fun ride with no rules, you can start or finish at any time. Do one lap, go home for the evening and do another in the morning. Or ride your brains out for 24 Hours. Seventeen laps seems to be the reigning record.
If you’re in the Fullerton, CA, area, or you just want to see the shirt design, read “more“…
This 24 Hour event was conceived as a celebration of the Loop, an excuse to burn off Thanksgiving dinner, and an opportunity to support a good cause.  The ride will start and end in the upper parking lot of the Courthouse in Fullerton at Harbor and Berkeley. You can show up at any time to donate $30 and receive the Ramones-inspired T-Shirt while supplies last.
The SoCal High School Cycling League is not even aware that they are the recipient of upcoming proceeds, so therefore are responsible in no way for this event.  Their recent benefit auction raised $20,000 for the group.