The Brasa seems to be an attractive add-on for commuters. It looks less DIY than a standard rear light mounted on a carrier. A single LED beam is dispersed throughout the Brasa using LLT (Spanninga’s Light Line Technology). This technology allows for the light to be seen on the sides as well as straight-on. The single LED helps to conserve power with battery versions lasting around 160hr. The light, with 2 AA batteries, has a claimed weight of less than 130g. It comes in dynamo versions as well. Different versions have different perks. Some include safe stop, meaning the light shines only 4-5 minutes after the bike stops. Other versions include light and motion sensors. Also, Spanninga offers to customize the glass mask and housing for you. The Brasa works best with carriers that have a bolt distance of between 50-80mm.
More pictures after the break…
Designed by both Spanninga and Mathis Heller & WeLL Design. Click here to check it out at Spanninga’s website.