Supposing our prediction about Cannondale’s purchase of Guru turns out to be accurate, Specialized just fired a shot across their bow with an investment in Retül.
Boulder, CO, based Retül offers a 3D motion capture fitting system complete with their own adjustable fit bike station and other tools. Co-founder Todd Carver helped develop Specialized’s original Body Geometry fit curriculum, which is used by Specialized dealers.
This move, according to their PR, will let them offer more advanced bike fits and develop new fitting technology and tools to “make cycling more comfortable to more riders worldwide.”
Carver says many Specialized dealers already use Retül equipment and integrating it into their current bike fit strategy is easy. He also pointed out that Retül’s tech, equipment and University will remain available to all shops and fit specialists, not just Big “S” dealers, that none of the new technology will be brand specific to Specialized’s bikes or gear.
“We now have the opportunity to grow at a faster pace than we could have alone, and we have a lot of new ideas we’ll now be able to realize and put into action,” said Retül co-founder Franko Vatterott.