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Tall Bike Joust iPhone Game and iPod Touch Giveaway

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BikeClub Games’ “TALL BIKE JOUST” (TBJ) introduces iPhone gamers to a new experience in extreme sports within the underground subculture of mutant bicycle clubs. In TBJ, gamers are in the rider’s seat as they compete in jousting tournaments on tricked-out freak bikes within a complex 3D fighting platform. BikeClub Games’ TBJ goes beyond simple mobile device games as Players use strategy along with skill to participate in this uniquely fierce world of tall bike jousting. TBJ enables gamers to craft a character’s competitive capabilities and exposes them to extreme terrains and conditions that will make each joust more challenging and enticingly difficult. TBJ delivers the ultimate in 3D action gaming with the distinct thrill of first person, one to one combat jousting with spectacular body blows and dismantling wipeouts. Players compete in QUICK JOUSTS and longer TOURNAMENT battles to increase their ability to defeat opponents in their quest to be the World Champion.

But how do you win an iPod Touch and the game app?  Where can I see video of the game?  Who’s behind this madness?

Read on, my bicycling friends…

As Players face off against BikeClub opponents, they quickly realize the complexities of the game are far beyond hand – eye coordination. To be the best, a challenger must customize a TBJ character whose survival requires BikeClub essentials to aid in victory. Game play strategy comes in the form of managing your character’s HEART meter and attribute points such as POWER, SPEED and GUARD. Winning a QUICK JOUST or a TOURNAMENT round grants access to customized gear like lance attachments, body armor, padding and bike parts that fortify both the Player and his or her bike. Each winning match increases the Player’s ranking and attribute points, enabling character development and equipment upgrades.

TBJ features six different post-apocalyptic cityscapes with customized challenges and obstacles. A New York City terrain of glass and potholes; Minneapolis with snow and ice; Reno with punishing sand and sun; New Orleans delivers flooded wetlands; a Hong Kong cityscape of blinding neon; and Amsterdam the bicycle capital of the world. Each tournament has 3 rounds and true to all tall bike jousting challenges, Players can choose their opponents. Beat the tournament defender to become the Regional Champion and unlock other tournaments. The supreme confrontation is to joust Doyle – the Official Tall Bike Jousting Champion of the World, to secure the top spot and achieve eternal fame.

Featuring music by: MATT AND KIM, JAPANTHER, & ALTAER

CONTEST: Enter to win and get all the deets at BikeBlogNYC!

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