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T’red solves the “dangerous” disc brake rotor problem for pro peloton

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Tred prototype disc brake rotor shield for road bikes to protect riders from cuts and burns

While those pesky 53-tooth chainrings can still maul you, the problem of disc brake rotors slicing and burning is now solved.

The engineers and designers at Tºred, an Italian brand that introduced their very cool road and cyclocross bikes at NAHBS this year, have applied for a patent on these disc brake covers. Video after the break shows how they’ll install on any bike and wheels and cover the exposed sections without affecting performance. The design is patent pending and has three options…


The rear has a mounting bracket that slots onto the hub’s axle end cap, then the shield mounts to it. The front uses the same mounting method on forks with ample clearance between the rotor and fork legs, but also has an external mounting version that clamps between the thru axle and fork leg (shown above, click to enlarge). Video below shows the standard mounting option:


Parts 3, 5 and 6 are shown being installed on the rear in the video. It’s mounted on their Manaia disc road bike.


For the actual attachment to the hub, two solutions are offered. Parts 3a and 11 work would work with most any hub by using a set screw to lock the mount into place and prevent rotation. Part 3b would work with a proprietary substitute hub end cap (5b) and use a slotted design to prevent rotation.

These are 3D printed plastic prototypes, but the final version will be made of carbon fiber, which sheds heat virtually immediately. They say the vents in the product will allow proper air flow, which would be the one immediate concern with covering the rotor.

The product was conceived and designed by Romolo Stanco and tested by Giairo Ermeti and Pietro Saccarini, the latter being a biomedical engineer that provided design input to ensure it offered actual injury protection. Their plan is to introduce the parts soon (as early as one month from this story), ideally in conjunction with a new disc brake bike.


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8 years ago

haha, it finally happened

8 years ago

They better pay some royalties to Erik Noren over at Peacock Groove. He has been making disc covers (for polo bikes) for years. Some are understated, some are a bit more mad max.


8 years ago

When will they be coming out with a cover for those dangerous chain rings?

8 years ago
Reply to  joby

A couple weeks ago I saw a guy sitting at the side of the road, clutching his lower leg, with blood filling his shoe, running down the pavement, and sprayed around the general vicinity. He had made an emergency stop and punctured a big ol’ vein on the back of his leg on his chainring. First time in 45 years of riding I’ve seen anything like that, but clearly, chainrings should be banned.

8 years ago

“the final version will be made of carbon fiber, which sheds heat virtually immediately”. Ha, right

8 years ago

oh nice, that should keep the rotors hot!

8 years ago

Who cares about fast wheel changes, right?

8 years ago

That’s hideous. Road bikes don’t need disc brakes and they’re dangerous for racing

8 years ago
Reply to  jessebroehl

“folks want options”

8 years ago
Reply to  TroofMan

Well said

8 years ago
Reply to  jessebroehl

They also don’t need clipless pedals, integrated shift levers, aero parts, 11 speed cassettes, etc. Hydraulic brakes are just better period. There is no way out.

8 years ago
Reply to  jessebroehl

Bikes also dont need gears, do not need CF, do not need aereo designs, do not need clipless pedals.. hell, why just not ride a monocycle?

8 years ago
Reply to  Carl

@Carl you just described a normal non-racing bicycle (although all bikes do need at least one gear, unless you are into the dandy horse.)

8 years ago
Reply to  b_p_t

*a sh*tty bike

8 years ago
Reply to  Carl

You’re kind of missing the point. With only one gear you CANNOT achieve other gear ratios. However with only rim brakes you CAN achieve the maximum physical braking limitation a road bike is capable of, defined by the point at which you go over the handle bars (and very easily calculated if you know the CM position).

lesz42 (@dailingles)
8 years ago
Reply to  jessebroehl

dangerous ? when ? how many have died? tell me!

8 years ago
Reply to  jessebroehl

build it and they will come

8 years ago

So you’re saying I can now effectively have 3 dork discs..? HELLA PATHLETE POINTS.

matthew moseley
matthew moseley
8 years ago

bring back the drum brakes!

8 years ago

All because of an injury which may not have been disk-related at all.

@matthew +1

8 years ago
Reply to  Gunnstein

By all accounts it wasn’t. UCI trial period to begin again in June.

8 years ago

The pros aren’t really against disc brakes because they are “dangerous”.
They are against them because they can’t hang on to the team car for a “free ride” while the team mechanic pretends to adjust the rear brake! 🙂

8 years ago

I find it hard to believe that this “doesn’t affect performance”. Surely it must block some air and reduce cooling.

8 years ago

The best designs of this would be fully ducted to provide better cooling than a fully exposed rotor, and have an aero advantage. Venge Vias disc?

8 years ago

What frame is that?

8 years ago
Reply to  hezky

the frame is a t’red manaia

8 years ago

Disc Dork Disc

8 years ago
Reply to  Biff

Rep points

8 years ago

ugh so dumb. Is there some reason why competition rotors can’t be rounded over?

8 years ago

all rotors are rounded. they do not cut and they’re pretty thick. Spokes are probably more dangerous than the discs, though if you put your hand on rotating disc at full speed is full make a cut to the bone (if you do that in the spokes you probably lose the hand though).
Heat aint a problem, worse case scenario you get some 3rd degree burns, which, well, heal. But even that, ive never heard of it happening

8 years ago

My rotors aren’t rounded on one MTB and one CX bike. They are sharp as knives for no functional reason that I can imagine. So yeah, why not round the edges off? Seems like the obvious solution that happens to be cheap too.

Jack N
Jack N
8 years ago
Reply to  TomM

You must have some very dull knives at home?

8 years ago

Choose a steamlined bike ; more efficient !

8 years ago

And at latest check, this prototype has saved over 153 lives.

8 years ago

Mechanics will love doing wheel changes with this

8 years ago

This is the best. All that complaining pros did because they didn’t want to use discs. Now they’re still going to have discs forced on them, plus they’re going to look like a bunch of scaredy weirdo safety dorks to boot! Absolutely love it!

8 years ago

Looks like a good platform to conceal a motor in

8 years ago

Motorcycle kills a rider in a race and nothing is done by UCI. Guy claims, (possibly false), that a disc cut his leg and the whole world goes crazy. I miss the days when we just complained about dopers.

captain derp
captain derp
8 years ago

hey, a disc rotor cover. T.H.E. was making these for DH bikes back around 2000, possibly earlier. Not exactly a new concept. They were in use for dirtbikes long before that . i believe they’re pretty common bike polo as well.

8 years ago

Next we’ll need a vacuum pump to shed the hot air between the rotor and the cover. Powered by a pinwheel.

8 years ago

A solution looking for a problem. They spent $thousands for patents, product development, test riders (?), CAD drawings, molds etc. to sell how many? Other than Pro racers & posers who is their market?

Odd that mtb racers/riders have survived for decades without them and somehow keep all their blood within, yet delicate roadies need protection…wimps

What next…crash & roll bars ?

Jörg Hippo Thomsen
Jörg Hippo Thomsen
8 years ago

Well these contraptions solve…nothing. Can you imagine a mechanic in the Pro Peleton refitting the stupid cover after a wheel change?

IF a cover is the slution it will have to stay attached to the frame and it must NOT impede wheel changes.

8 years ago

Silly and ugly along with more weight . Disc brakes should not be in road racing . Leave them for mtb racing . Industry please stop trying to force more people in having to change what works well only to pump up sales . if not why not add discs to time trial bikes too.

8 years ago

They made a condom for bikes! That’s pretty weak!

8 years ago

So all this because a pro, in a race, crashed and got a nasty gash he claimed was from a disc rotor, though there is on proof as what so ever?

“Critics questioned immediately whether Ventoso’s cut came from a disc brake given the type of cut and how he explained it happened. Cycling Weekly spoke to both teams using discs, and each said that none of their eight cyclists reported an incident on that sector.”

I can’t find the link but there’re also a few vids showing a crazy guy putting his hand (or limb?) into a spinning rotor showing the net result… of nothing like the above.

There’s alway room to improve, make things better and I do think some rotors on the market could have some better finishing applied. Overall though, this whole panic and funk has a certain stink to it…

As for the cover, older enduro and MX bikes used to have something similar and it seems like a likely solution to a problem that may, or may not exist.

8 years ago

Polo bikes have this already…so this is not new.

8 years ago

Well, It’s reinvented and solved before 😀 Who ever knows the fact?!

8 years ago

Stop saying “discs aren’t sharp”, because it sounds ignorant. Yes, they aren’t sharp if you simply touch your finger to it. Hell, you could get the wheel up to 30mph and touch it, and you still wouldn’t cut yourself unless you pressed long and hard enough. That’s not how you get cut. You get cut when you are going 30mph and you crash into a downed bike with a rotor sticking out. Do people not understand basic physics? Do you realize most ice skates are about 1/8″ thick, probably thicker than most disc rotors? Is anyone going to deny that ice skates can be deadly? So stop saying dumb things about how disc brakes are harmless. And I’m not saying these rotor dork disks are something useful or necessary either.

BTW, I’m not taking sides on this issue with regard to the UCI or professional racing. What I hate is the *fact* that this will lead to the majority of road bikes in the future being equipped with disc brakes, which are completely and utterly unnecessary for road bikes. The only time disc makes any bit of sense is if you run full carbon rims in crappy, wet, dirty weather, which may give your wheels a few more years of life. The vast majority of riders don’t need disc brakes whatsoever, and I don’t want to hear how your 30 mile 10% grade you rip at 60mph requires disc. It’s just a marketing ploy to get consumers to spend money on a brand new bike, since you can’t get the latest and trendiest upgrade on your bike to disc brakes.

One more point while I’m at it. Chainrings can also cause cuts, but that is far more likely to cut the rider, not another person. Chainrings are in the center of the bike, inboard of the rear hub. Disc rotors stick out from the rear hub, which is further back on the bike, and the furthest outboard part of a bike. So, again….while not taking sides with respect to Ventoso, other riders are FAR FAR more likely to get cut on a disc rotor in mass crashes, than they are on a chainring.

Whew…between arguing the shortsightedness of e-mtb’s and articles on disc brakes I need a drink!

8 years ago
Reply to  Allan

Clarification: The vast majority of ROAD riders don’t need disc brakes.

8 years ago
Reply to  Allan

Clarification: The vast majority of people don’t need anything. But humans strangely like to improve the things they have, and even more strangely they usually don’t forced adoption and purchase of these new improved things

8 years ago
Reply to  JBikes

Clarification, it is phsycially IMPOSSIBLE to stop a road bike faster than what RIM brakes are already capable of, unless you want to argue with ISAAC newton, or use something other than the road to stop with (walls work).

8 years ago
Reply to  Darren

Ok ok, for very overweight people this might not be true.

8 years ago
Reply to  Darren

@Darren, your statement assumes that a rider can accurately and consistently brake at the maximum force possible. That assumes that modulation is equal between the two systems, which they are not. Disc brake systems have better brake modulation, meaning that with disc brakes a person can better judge how close to the limit they are and can do so on a more consistent basis, no matter the weather or road conditions.

8 years ago
Reply to  Allan

Stop saying “±40 spokes, 2 chainrings, 2 derailler cages, 2 pedals, 11 cassette cogs, chains, handlebars, top tubes, brake levers, number plates, 2 bottle cages, quick release handles, rim brake levers, shoe buckles, cleats, roads, lamp posts, road signs, barrier fencing, guardrails, trees, cars, motor bikes, photographers, self sticks, flags, barbed wire, spectators, dogs, etc, aren’t sharp”, because it sounds ignorant. You get hurt when you are going 30mph and you crash into them.

8 years ago
Reply to  Allan

“the majority of road bikes in the future being equipped with disc brakes”
So you will still have the choice to buy a rim brake bike.

8 years ago
Reply to  Allan

Meanwhile, ID you get a finger in that 30mph spinning wheel with tensioned bladed spokes, moving much faster (due to Radial distance), it’ll damn near take the finger right off. Especially if it gets pulled into the frame.

Disc wheels only, no disc brakes, for safety!

8 years ago

Unbelievable dumb@ss roadies. The entire mountain biking world laughs at you. Almost 20 years of problem-free braking and you people are still afraid of discs. Quite literally every part of the bike can kill you at high speed. If you somehow found your fingers near a disc brake, which is extremely rare, you’d have more to worry about getting jammed in the spokes than a relatively slow spinning blunt disc.

8 years ago

Allan, I guess you’ve never been in a pile up where riders ride over the top of other riders. I still have a chainring scar on my left shoulder. Chainrings and spokes are far more dangerous than any disc brake rotor. I’m not saying you cannot get hurt by a rotor, but your far more likely to get injured by a chainring or spoked wheel.

As far as needing disc brakes, sure rim brakes are sufficient in most cases, but in the cases where they are not( in the wet, prolonged braking, out of true wheel) that is the problem. If you really think about it all, we really don’t need carbon fiber, clipless pedals, suspension, dropper seatposts, etc, but bikes are way better because of these advancements. Within five years, I believe disc brake road bikes will be dominant.

8 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Everything I’ve read is that disks suffer more from heat build up than rims. And as far as wet, your wheels become the limit. Rim brakes work fine in the wet and single pivots work fine on out of true wheels (and also can reach the endo limit, but sadly aren’t made in good quality because that’s how the industry goes). Rim brakes might take an instant longer to engage in the wet, and maybe you have something there. I just can’t begin to buy the out of true thing as justification for the expense and complexity though. It’s just so rarely an issue at all. It’s like buying a pickup truck instead of a coup because you might need to move something once in the next 5 years.

8 years ago

This will just have to be removed just like those stupid plastic spoke/cassette protectors. What BSNYC calls “pie plates”.

8 years ago

One instance where this would actually be helpful is when I’m towing my kid in his trailer. He constantly wants to reach for my disc rotor the second he gets out, and this would keep me from having to go into “how many times do I have to tell you…” mode.

8 years ago

This won’t work for the peloton and is basically unnecessary sans a few specific needs (Aaron above).
Rotor guard can just be a simple deflector off the frame. Won’t prevent all issues, but will prevent some.

Dillon Pronovost
Dillon Pronovost
8 years ago

My brain hurts from how ridiculous this is getting. If any one of you thinks disc brakes on road bikes aren’t big bike brands just trying to get you to buy a whole new bike, you’re naive! Like “big pharm is good for you” naive. Like “government doesn’t lie” naive! Like “I need disc brakes on my road bike” naive! Just stop it! You are being sold a pile off drivel! For once in your life think about something before you let a shiny ad in a magazine tell you what to think! If disc on road catches on, EVERYONE will need a new bike! EVERYONE! Not just a group-o or wheels or a frame but a whole new bike! You honestly think big brands haven’t thought of that?

And what’s up with Dangerous being in quotes?

8 years ago

How about a soft rubber over-molded tip on the rotor’s edge? You might have to redesign the caliper to clear the tip but could be something to look at. I’m sure it would be lighter and more aero than a disc cover.

8 years ago

No mention of the patent shimano has on a very similar thing? from a couple of years back…..i think you guys may have even posted it

8 years ago

The saddest thing about the whole disc debate is the fact that the loudest proponents for discs are stake holders. In some cases they are in business (some on sites like this) that may be planning for discs, ie. – wheel builders, frame builders bike shops, online retailers. In other cases it’s guys who have planned their next “build” around a disc ready frame, wheels, etc. All of those voices are f*ing up this discussion because their arguments are driven mostly by their hope that discs become the new norm. This topic deserves an adult discussion about the facts and the viability of discs in racing, without those guys in the conversation.

Kernel Flickitov
Kernel Flickitov
8 years ago
Reply to  Pit

For or against we’re well past “hope”, it’s inevitable.

8 years ago
Reply to  Pit

Helmets were also obviously introduced under pressure from the industry and people with vested interests. The “pro peloton” was fully right to claim there would be massive heat strokes throughout the peloton, we should have never listened to those industry insiders and weekend warrior guys who already bought a helmet, hoping it would become the norm.

8 years ago

Bike polo people are probably jealous someone stole their idea…..

Jake the Snake
Jake the Snake
8 years ago
Reply to  Brad

Meh, I wouldn’t mind a lighter rotor guard. Rotors are hot and slicy. Cutting through my tires is one thing, leaving my teammate with a burn scar shaped like a Tektro rotor is another.

That said, I will not be putting a rotor guard on my cross bike or mtb.

8 years ago

More stuff you don’t need like disc brakes! KISS, Keep Simple Stupid!

8 years ago

Road racing has less in common with bike riding everyday it seems, Racing has been holding back the industry’s ability to make better bikes for a while. Just as the general landscape of racing doesn’t really inspire people to join the bike cult…. It gets a little exhausting to listen to the race crowd telling the rest of the bike world what they do and don’t need.

Kernel Flickitov
Kernel Flickitov
8 years ago
Reply to  Sean

As much as I love road cycling and racing, there is no other discipline in this sport where tradition trumps common sense. Especially regarding disc brakes.

8 years ago

@Sean +1

Glen Hamilton
Glen Hamilton
8 years ago

That device is not safe.
Would need to be a lot bigger softer and rounder and way less aero.
Laceration waiting to happen, which seem to have happened in Roubaix from disc or non disc sources.


Incisions or incised wounds, caused by a clean, sharp-edged object such as a knife, razor, or glass splinter.
Lacerations, irregular tear-like wounds caused by some blunt trauma. Lacerations and incisions may appear linear (regular) or stellate (irregular). The term laceration is commonly misused in reference to incisions.at

8 years ago

When you guys are finished freaking out over this maybe you should look into gay marriage and transgender bathroom laws. Plenty of room to get your panties in a bunch over those “issues” as well. Personally, it looks like these covers solve a problem that I don’t have, so I won’t be buying them, but I’m not writing my congressman or losing sleep over it either. Relax guys. It’s just a piece of plastic. Nobody is making you buy them. If you don’t like disc brakes, you can still buy bikes that don’t have them. Why does outrage have to be a part of every new product release?

Darryl Duck
8 years ago

Yes, but you may get your panties in a knot if some stupid insurance company decided that all disc braked bicycles required disc covers and convinced a pencil pusher to enact a stupid law.

Darryl Duck
8 years ago

Might have to invent some new pieplate rear cog covers for the impending 12 speed single front cog groupo.
Probably more dangerous than any disc hiding behind a frame member.

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