VeloPress recently released the 2nd edition of Weight Training for Cyclists ($12.89 on Amazon), which includes updated pictures and exercises developed specifically for improving your riding.  We asked coauthor Ken Doyle to pick three exercises, one each for core, arms and legs, that would have the most impact on your riding.  Ken is USCF licensed coach and an exercise physiologist certified by the National Athletic Trainers Association and the National Strength and Conditioning Association.
Of course, there are a lot more in the 224 pages of the book, and I’m not advocating that you focus on just these three, but if you’re pressed for time, click the “more” button to get FREE printable pages of Ken’s top three picks…
Click on the images for full size, printable pages.
ARMS: Standing Single-Arm Rows
LEGS: Squats (page 1 above, page 2 below)
CORE: Bicycle Crunch
Weight Training for Cyclists, 224 pages, $18.95