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Bike-Organizer by ZicTech, Free-Standing Bicycle Rack With Storage Compartments

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Zictech bike stand mountain bike road bike compact

We saw this floating around at Outdoor Demo back at Interbike, and it seems to be making its way to production.

Bike-Organizer by ZicTech is a stand that holds the bike vertically for space conservation and features two large storage compartments in the bottom. It’ll fit any tire up to 2.5″ wide, in all wheel sizes. A strap comes off the back to attach to the saddle rails to hold the bike upright. The design is free standing, so there’s no bolting down to the floor. For security though, they offer a bolt option. With this option a chain lock can pass through the stand to secure the frame. An additional aftermarket hangar add-on is available designed to hold helmets and rain covers.

Images after the break…

Zictech bike organizer chain lock

Zictech bike organizer linked stands

Stands can be linked if you’re dealing with multiple bikes. Outer shell is plastic and they’re set to release in 4 colors – orange/black, sky blue/grey, grey/lime green, and black/grey. No pricing as of now and we’ll keep you updated as we hear more.

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12 years ago

How does the front wheel stay straight?

12 years ago

I could see this for stacking bikes in a very secure area because chains are not the best option. Maybe in your garage. I wouldn’t use it in a public area. U Lock to a pole would be more secure.

12 years ago

Nice big heavy lock through a thin piece of sheet metal, great design. Not to mention locking a front wheel only.

Joshua Murdock
12 years ago

* Extra helper and photoshop use required to keep front wheel straight.

** Helper and photoshop sold separately.

Honestly, though, this overview must just be missing something… I can’t imagine they’d overlook one of the two wheels on the bike. The whole idea is pretty cool.

Wheel Guy
Wheel Guy
12 years ago

Great idea, but ugly execution. Would rather see a metal frame and lose the storage compartments.

12 years ago

The bike seems to be taking a dump!

12 years ago

So if you bump into the front wheel does anything stop the bike falling over onto the seat/bars as it pivots around the rear wheel hub?

12 years ago

Minoura has had a similar, less expensive,and more space conscious version for years.

Available through your local bike shop via it’s major distributors 🙂

12 years ago

Can you put the front wheel in the stand? The detail photo of the stand with the lock shows a front wheel.

12 years ago

The fact that the front wheel/bars can flop left or right make this pretty useless and more of a hazard than anything. As per Joshua’s comment, there some special balancing act going on right now or they’ve photoshopped out the hand that’s holding the front wheel straight.

12 years ago

@Derek – Based on the fork angle, that bike has both wheels down. I can’t imagine it being able to stand up on the front wheel with that strap.

12 years ago

I snagged a prototype of this product right after interbike. I had issues with the front wheel and handlebar suddenly and violently swinging into the top tube of the bike. The remedy for this was simple. I had my LBS remove the headset bearings from my bikes. Since I am obviously a huge bike poser more concerned with how my bike looks when I am not riding it than being able to steer, this is a great solution. Now my bike looks awesome all the time.

12 years ago

actually you use fishing line, its easier to photo shop out.

12 years ago

Well I guess you could use a pedal strap around the front wheel and the down tube. That’s what we do in the shop to keep bikes we hang on the wall straight. Only takes a second to put on or take off if the bike is on the ground.

12 years ago

Oh and obviously that wouldn’t work with a mountain bike. Too far for the strap to reach.

12 years ago

That just looks like a headache waiting to happen.

12 years ago


Use a Surly junk strap.

12 years ago

You could just lean your bike against the wall. This takes up more space and is ugly. LOL at lock bracket, I bet I can rip that out bare handed.

bin judgin
bin judgin
12 years ago

Or buy some 2x4s and nail them together and put some self tapping hooks into them. Christ, people need to pay for everything don’t they?

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