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GCN Video Shows Whether Climbing is More Efficient Seated or Standing

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Now you know if all that huffing and puffing and wiggling and dancing is really worth it. Check out all their videos and stories at Global Cycling Network or on their Youtube channel.

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Dude on a bike
Dude on a bike
10 years ago

Some body get one of these guys a sandwhich.

10 years ago

TL, DW: Little difference between sitting and standing for climbs, but riders should be able to do both.

10 years ago

I have to admit that these GCN videos are way more interesting than the BikeRumor videos.

10 years ago

That narrator is the same knucklehead who lubes his chain with WD40 (I still can’t get over that).

10 years ago

I really feel articles like this are posted just to create heated debates.

Sean P
Sean P
10 years ago

Man, if I were only 10 lbs lighter I’d climb better both in the saddle and out.

10 years ago

Why wasn’t the second test done entirely standing? That would have been more useful. There is a bit of waste getting up and down. And climbers like Contador or Horner have been seen climbing for very long stretches up some of the big climbs. I call for a ‘do-over’.

10 years ago

Two words: Power meter.

10 years ago

This is interesting. I don’t think a power meter would be tell us much more because given a constant grade, wind, weight, and speed for a cyclist, the power will be constant. Since the power meter only measures power being applied to the pedals, it won’t be able to pick up on other wasted energy. Perhaps rocking the bike back and forth while standing is a waste of power, but the power meter won’t pick this up. Lactate levels and O2 consumption do give some idea of the total effort. Sounds like it’s more personal preference / comfort.

10 years ago

@b, a power meter would show what exactly?
The treadmill is set at the same speed/grade in both tests, if his power dropped he’d fall off the back.
If you actually watched the video you might have learned that they were testing the differing physiological demands in producing that power while sitting vs standing.

10 years ago

@mudrock He only used WD-40 to flush the water out of the chain rollers and keep the chain from rusting while it dried. Not lube. Try it!

10 years ago


A power meter would show you that your wattage is much higher on average while climbing out of the saddle. Thus, a less efficient use of energy, better suited to short, high intensity efforts. Their testing protocol is ingeniously asinine.

10 years ago

Better test would be 100% in, 100% out and rider comfort for 10 mins where the cyclist gets to decide when and for how long they want to be out of the saddle.

10 years ago

@b …how exactly? If he were producing more of less power HE’D FALL OF THE F*CKING TREADMILL.

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