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Podcast #062 – No22 Cycles explains why 3D-printed titanium is better

No22 bicycles mike smith explains how 3d printed titanium bike parts work in this podcast interview
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No22 Cycles recently unveiled their gorgeous new 3D printed titanium dropouts, made for them by Silca, and they’re just the beginning of what they can do with this manufacturing process.

Besides being gorgeous, there are a lot of functional and economical reasons to use additive manufacturing. In this episode, they explain:

  • how 3D printed ti bike parts are made
  • how they’re made strong enough to handle rough riding
  • why they’re a better solution than CNC’ing small parts

…and a whole lot more! Check them out at 22bicycles.com, and our full story about the dropouts for more details.


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Stefanus Bosch
Stefanus Bosch
2 years ago

Thanks for the podcast! I’m not sure, but from what was described as vacuum heat treatment it sounded more like hot isostatic pressing, if it actually influences the part’s porosity. If it’s “just” heat treatment, then the porosity will not be influenced, but the titaniums micro structure will change. Normally this is done to increase ductility and fatigue resistance, but also to reduce the residual stresses mentioned.

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