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Podcast #093 – Why Adaptive Mountain Bike Trails are the Future

GREG DURSO riding an adaptive mountain bike on driving range trails in Vermont

We hear so much about inclusivity these days, but not usually when it comes to our mountain bike trails. Turns out, it’s not that hard to make our trails more accessible to a wider range of riders, letting all of your friends enjoy the same awesome experience you and I enjoy every time we hit the singletrack.

Besides the warm fuzzies, there’s often good money and resources available to help make it happen, too, which means more trails for your area!

My guests today are Nick Bennett and Greg Durso, two of the riders and trail builders leading Vermont’s charge to make more of their hundreds of miles of trails accessible to adaptive riders. I’ve ridden some of these trails, and they’re awesome. But what makes them super rad is that every rider can enjoy them, and trust me, they are not watered down in any way.

If you’ve ever wondered what it would take to make your local trails adaptive bike friendly, or what it’s like to experience a trail from their perspective, this episode is for you. Scroll down for links and more pics of Greg shredding!

Vermont Adaptive MTB Resources, Pics & Links

Here are a few more resources and their social accounts to learn (and see) more:

GREG DURSO riding an adaptive mountain bike on driving range trails in Vermont
Greg shreds the corners as hard as any other rider.
adaptive trail scouting and building in vermont
Scouting new lines and looking at existing trails from a new (lower) perspective helps ensure trails are rideable by all types of mountain bikers.
riders on driving range adaptive mountain bike trails in vermont
The Driving Range is near Richmond, VT, and worth a visit to see just how much fun an “adaptive” trail can be on any bike.
GREG DURSO riding an adaptive mountain bike on driving range trails in Vermont
Photos courtesy of Mark J. Clement/@markjclement and VMBA,

I’ve also ridden and covered the adaptive trails at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort, which offers lift-served trails to accommodate riders on eMTB trikes, too. Both those and these Vermont trails were super fun to ride, there was nothing about them that left me (as a fully able-bodied rider) wanting. If you’re involved in trail building, check out the links above for resources, and reach out to Greg, Vermont Adaptive, and VMBA, too.

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9 months ago

This stuff isn’t easy to get right, but I think that simply calling yourself a “non-disabled” or even “upright” (as opposed to “able-bodied”) is the sensitive way about this.

9 months ago

I love what you are doing! One thing I heard that stuck with me is that virtually ALL of us will become disabled at some point as we age, if we are lucky and don’t die young. It is just a matter of time. So making more trails accessible benefits practically everyone.

I am 60 and absolutely love my fat tire ebike. My partner is 77 and she rides a fat tire etrike. We took a trip to Utah this fall with our bikes and had a ball. We really appreciate the creation of more accessible trails.

Thanks for the work you do.

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