If you’re looking for a little stocking stuffer for your favorite cyclist (or runner or other athlete), here’s a couple of discount codes to save you a little coin:ÂÂ
- PCSaveOurHair83 (15% off order, expires 12/5)
- PCHOLIDAY81 (10% off order, expires 12/12)
The codes are good on their original Road ID tags as welll as their new Interactive version, pictured above.  The Interactive Road ID lets you fill in your complete medical info, contact information, emergency contacts and other vitals that medical teams may need in the event some jerk runs you off the road and you bump your head a little too hard.  Read “more” to see a screen shot and get add’l details…
When you buy the Interactive Road ID, you get to set up an online account like this, including a picture so medics can see what you looked like before the faceplant.  The first year of online access is free, after that it’s $9.99/year.
Each ID has a toll-free number and website with access code that the ER can use to log in or call in for the info they need.  There’s an interactive demonstration of this on their website.