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Mark the Date: 2011 Bike New York TD Bank Five Boros Bicycle Tour, Photos

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If you haven’t done the Five Boros Bike Tour, you need to get on it.  32,000 cyclists take over the streets of Manhattan, the Bronx, Central Park and points between.  It’s awesome and a true sight to behold.  Check out our photos of funny helmet decorations from this year’s event in that post, and jump on past the break to see more “normal” photos of the mayhem, then mark your calendar to register on February 1. Yes, 32,000 spots will likely sell out in a day or two.

PRESS RELEASE: Cold days make for chilly bicycle commutes for the Bike New York staff recently, but just thinking about the upcoming 2011 TD Bank Five Boro Bike Tour warms us up! We’re already hard at work putting together the 2011 tour, including more entertainment along the 42-mile route and the chance to ride in support of nearly three dozen charity partners.

The tour takes place in May, which might seem far off, but it will be here before you know it. Coming even sooner is the date to register: February 1, 2011. Don’t forget to visit our website and register early that day: We expect to sell out in record time this year!

What: 2011 TD Bank Five Boro Bike Tour
When: Sunday, May 1, 2011
Who: 32,000 cyclists, hopefully including YOU!
Where: 42 miles through car-free streets in NYC
Registration: Tuesday, February 1, 2011, at 10:00 a.m., online only

Where else are you going to see something like this:

Yes, it’s that kind of pole. Despite this particular pedal powered entertainment (and the guy that rented a pedicab next to it for the full ride!), it’s a great family-friendly event.  We brought our then 2- and 5-year old kids, borrowed the totally awesome Zigo Leader bikes and knocked out all 42 miles.  More photos after the break…

Besides the POV of throngs of cyclists taking over the streets, one of the really cool images is seeing thousands of cyclists ahead of you rolling across the various bridges.

The occasional stop occurs to let cross traffic through, but the streets of the event are ours…all ours! Muhaahaaaa.

Great views from the bridges just add to the fun.

Sweetie (aka KristiBee) and I pushed the kids around in Zigo Leaders, which let them see everything and not just our butts.  If you’ve got kids, look into these things, they’re fantastic.  And while we’re showering accolades and praises, she’s wearing a cycling dress from Nuu-Muu and it’s equally awesome. They make little girls’ sport dresses, too.

The front part of the Zigo comes off and has flip-down from mini-wheels to be used as a jogger stroller, too, and they can use a single front wheel with regular fork to convert to a normal bike, too. Our kids loved it because they could a) pack it full of snacks and toys and b) nap.

Nothing like having the Bronx Expressway (or whatever, I know you locals are going to correct me) car free for a ride.

If you get off early enough (or just haul a little but occasionally), there’s even time to stop for refreshments. The rest stops are pretty well stocked, too, but all the good stuff gets snagged by the first 10,000 or so people.

See you there!

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14 years ago

If you go on this ride, wear walking shoes, not clipless road shoes. Last year more hours were spent walking then riding. To top it off, it was 90 degrees out and all they had for water at several stops was one opened fire hydrant. Maybe the first 10,000 riders get water or food, like the article says, but the other 25000 riders get nothing! It should be noted that people bring small children, ie: 6 years old and up and mix them into 35,000 riders. While this is a large tour, I can’t say that I found it enjoyable. After flying in and paying for lodging, I didn’t feel the ride was worth it. If you are local, and have good walking shoes, several water bottles, and lots of patience, maybe you would enoy it.
*** notice in picture 6 the people walking thier bikes on the bridge. Many riders can’t ride up even a mild grade, while I can knock a century out in 6.5 hours easy, these 42 mile took 10 hours, due to bottle necks and slowdowns. Plan accordingly.***
(The New York Century ride in Sept with 5000 riders I found much more enjoyable.)

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