Tested under Steve Smith and Nick Beer (the man with the best last name in cycling) , the new Devinci Wilson has-been completely redesigned to accommodate…
Following their introduction of their first modern full suspension mountain bike at Sea Otter, Raleigh is already working on the second model. This one’s called…
Kappius’ new rims and wheels first popped up this summer, but are available now, offering 29er and 27.5″ carbon clinchers and road clinchers and tubulars.…
For those that don’t keep up with the downhill scene, Josh Bryceland has been on an absolutely tear this season. Having earned the overall, expectations…
Look have brought their innovative carbon fiber leaf spring Blades to their big selling second-tier Kéo 2 Max Blade pedal platform, at the same time dropping…
Earlier this week, BST Synergy Nano announced they’d purchased Tony Ellsworth’s eponymous brand and would be lending their materials expertise to Ellsworth’s design experience to launch…
For 2015, Intense Cycles is once again resurrecting their top of the line Factory Models for three specific bikes. These dream builds will be available…
Now with over 25 years of Italian Racing heritage, Formula continues to refine their product line and offer a number of components with impressive designs.…
After months of speculation, Mavic is finally throwing their hat into the road disc market (officially) with the launch of two new wheelsets. The Aksium…
Light bike specialists Storck focused our attention heavily on two completely new bikes that they introduced last week at Eurobike, with the new aero road…
Exposure’s high powered mountain bike lights do the usual annual lumen jump, but this time the Reflex technology spreads to the entire line. Introduced on…
After adding sour apple green to their collection a few weeks back, Absolute Black was showing off this jailhouse orange narrow/wide chainring. Word is one…