Commuter bikes (besides being fantastic modes of transportation and perhaps ways of changing the world) are blank templates waiting to be swagged out with functional,…
With most PFBB30 systems, you have a nylon/plastic shell housing the bearings. They’re light, but they may wear unevenly under pedaling forces and lead to…
In our pre-NAHBS interview this year, Gaulzetti promised a new emerald green color, supposedly the hot new Pantone (17-5641) hue for 2013, and, well, he…
Recently, Hincapie reached out to the Bikerumor crew, excited about their latest and greatest road kit. The company’s Edge Bibshort and matching Jersey are the…
Can Chris Akrigg produce a bad edit? We could probably do with less wheelies through puddles, but who are we kidding, wheelies through puddles are fun,…
We’ve seen LED integration into helmets before from companies like Torch, so are we looking at the future of helmet design with Balazs Filczer’s DORA?…
Shinola is a multi-faceted company whose goal is bring manufacturing back to their new home, the city of Detroit. Not just any manufacturing though, Shinola…
With the original R5ca, Cervelo pushed the lower weight boundaries of a production frame to an average 700g. Now, they’re pushing it again, while maintaining…