Unlike the emperor’s new clothes, the Hövding “invisible helmet” isn’t a wacky con. The unique CE certified helmet was designed by a pair of women who…
With their new Reflex Mk1, Exposure have introduced active light management to their line. Using the appropriately named Reflex Technology, Exposure use a combination of…
At Eurobike, Wahoo Fitness unveiled their new iPhone powered indoor trainer, which shows your power, speed and other data on their app (and others) all…
Coming this spring, PrestaFlator’s new PrestaFlator Pro is a one-handed take on controlled tire inflation. When connected to an air compressor, the new US-made model…
The tiny yellow sticker shown on the helmet above is a “revolutionary” new technology designed to improve first response aid. Once the sensor has detected a…
Debuting this year at Eurobike is Seatylock. It’s folding lock that’s built into the saddle. With an included aluminum seatpost adaptor, the combo snaps on…
Velocomputer just announced a new mobile app in conjunction with the SmartSensor 4 bluetooth device for tracking cycling performance. Measuring time, distance, speed, acceleration, cadence…
Everyone loves recording their adventures (and occasional misadventures) via small, portable, and resilient POV cameras. Companies like GoPro, Contour, and Optrix HD have products and mounts for every conceivable application,…
Specializing in walkie-talkie gadgets for motorcycles and snowmobiles, Cardo Systems recently unveiled a rig specifically for cycling – the BK-1. It’s a radio headset that’ll…
Smartphones and bikes are being integrated constantly. With this device, everything is made seamless. Spybike is a GPS tracker that hides in the steer tube.…
The InCOG Biketool is a new product by industrial designer Joshua Brassé, not in production yet but available for pre-order. Built to suit bars ranging…
Hammacher Schlemmer is out with a rearview camera to compete with Cerevellum’s Hindsight. Though it may be the epitome of visual bulk, Hammacher’s Bicycle Rearview…