Short, simply and to the point, straight from Velocity: “The video offers a rarely-seen look into how our dedicated workers proudly hand-build our bicycle rims…
Cycology’s newest t-shirt design, above, called “Live Breathe Bike” is now available for $35.56 (US) plus free shipping from Australia. Love your Swiftwick cycling socks so much you…
Last season, I ran the original Hayes CX5 mechanical disc brakes and reviewed them pretty positively. The only real complaint was the weight, something they…
Imagine taking the overall win for the National Trophy series, winning bronze at the National Championships, and getting to toe the line with the world’s…
From the mind of Zsombor Kiss, a Hungarian graphic artist and industrial designer, comes the KZS Cycle concept bike, an organic redesign of the traditional…
Brompton’s 2014 World Championships will be held at Goodwood Motor Circuit and Aerodrome near Chichester, UK, on July 26-27th. This years’ Muir’s Ride will be…
German design company Rie:sel has been mesmerizing cyclists with their application of wild graphics directly onto framesets – we showed you some of their work…
Chances are, if you’re a regular reader, there probably isn’t much to this infographic that you don’t already know. However, if you’re unsure of cycling…
Starting this Friday, MadFiber is going up on the block. After the Washington based company was purchased by the Divine Cycling Group, MadFiber’s factory was…