After more than 3 years in development, Fuji’s next-generation triathlon/TT bike is ready to launch – almost. Still stringing us along, details are still scarce…
Photo from the collection of Jeff Archer of First Flight Bicycles. If you think you know what this is, post your answer in the ‘comments’ section– the…
Further blurring the line between tricycle and electronic vehicle, Outrider’s pedal electric vehicles take the recumbent trike to new levels. The company was founded after…
Sometimes there are no words to describe how badly you need a cup of coffee, and sometimes, there are no words to describe how ridiculously unnecessary,…
Honey Stinger has added another caffeinated flavor with the new Cherry Cola Chews. Each packet of chews contains 160 calories with 32 milligrams of natural…
Our friends at Caravan Collective are producing a series of bicycle lifestyle videos. This one is about Ari Rosenzweig– a former professional dancer and choreographer…
We’ve been trickling in some pretty cool designs from the International Bicycle Design Competition, such as braking news and helmet signals. To add to that, let’s…
by Jannette Rho, Peaks Coaching Group Nutritionist We all know how important nutrition is on the bike. Hundreds of energy bars, gels, drinks, gummies, and…
Festka, a Czech bicycle manufacturer, has announced that it has partnered with Cycleast bike shop out of Austin, TX, to distribute it’s bikes in the US. Models…
Marc recently covered Asylum cycles’ rebirth with Chris Currie at the forefront, and announced their disc equipped cyclocross model, the Meuse. While the bike is…
What’s better than a special edition? How about 3 new limited edition bikes released every month? That’s exactly what Specialized is doing with their new…
Chrome’s iconic messenger bags helped put a face on the messenger inner city cycling subculture. The sharp, understated design has sparked many imitators, and been…
LifeBEAM, the company that was hosting an Indigogo campaign to fund production of their Smart cycling helmet, recently announced that they have surpassed their funding…
Inspired by other’s hacks and pictographic instruction booklets on how to turn standard IKEA fare into something completely different, Samuel N. Bernier and Andreas Bhend…
Jay Petervary talks on The Ride Fatbikes Show on Mountain Bike Radio about his record setting time in the 2013 Iditarod Trail Invitational. Jay also happens…