Why Ride A Bicycle?

There’s really no way around it, this story is a complete (and unauthorized) copy from this news site…bad grammar and all: Five students of a…

Bike Fitting Kit Price Drop

The Bike Fitting Kit, which we’re wrapping up our generally positive review to be published this week, just announced a price drop. Originally $44.95, the…


FROM KONA: Joe, a three-time Junior Welsh National Champion and 2008 IXS European series winner, holds an impressive track record which he looks to extend racing for Kona. A top…

Skeleton Bio-Cycle Sculpture

File under “random” or “art”, just found this floating around online.  It’s called Bio-Cycle, and it’s a 60″ long sculpture by artist Jud Turner that…

World Triathlon Corp Buys U.S. Ironmans

This news is so fresh, it’s not even on Ironman’s website…Dan Empfield, Slowtwitch editor extraordinaire, has the story.  World Triathlon Corporation (WTC), the mothership that…

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