Number of Products & Number of Hours Tested: 2,000+ products, 10,000+ hours
Education & Certifications
Education: Accepted into the Honor’s English program at The Ohio State University, before transferring to the University of Cincinnati to pursue Mechanical Engineering
I didn’t really choose this as a career so much as I lucked into it. I was honestly just looking for a way to continue my path in the bicycle industry, while learning as much as possible along the way.
I got my start in a bike shop when I was 17, and things evolved from there.
My personal interests include anything bicycle related, repairing or building things, exploring outdoors, camping, backpacking/bikepacking, being on or near the water, golf, music.
Last year around this time, Michelin impressed us with the new Power road tire family. Diving deep into new rubber compount technology, casing improvements and…
When I first started racing down hill mountain bikes, I remember reading through bike magazines and lusting after titanium shock springs. They were beautiful, they…
Already ENVE’s best selling wheelset, their popular SES 3.4 is about to get even better. Originally created as a “climbing wheel with an aero advantage”…
Mid 2016, Volata introduced the Model 1. Touted as the most integrated and advanced bike on the market, it combined navigation, lights, cycling computer, and…